Il 19 luglio 2016 un utente Facebook svizzero (di Losanna) di nome Fred Raoul Barman pubblica un video con la seguente descrizione in lingua francese:
Et pendant ce temps, dans un centre de migrants en Allemagne… On est censé accueillir des sous-merdes pareilles chez nous??!
Tradotto: “Intanto, in un centro immigrati in Germania… dovremmo accogliere queste merde in casa?“.
Ancor prima di lui fu la pagina Facebook in lingua tedesca “Deutschland schafft sich ab”, il 18 luglio:
Ecco una sequenza, dove il ragazzo prende il cane, lo lancia e poi se la ride con gli amici.

Non si tratta di profughi, non sono nemmeno in Germania. Il fatto è accaduto nei pressi di Tel Aviv nel 2015, il ragazzo (israeliano) è stato arrestato in seguito alla diffusione del video su Facebook (come in questa pagina il 24 aprile 2015). Ne parlò il Mirror il 27 aprile 2015:
A teenager has been arrested after a shocking video appeared to show him hurling a defenceless, blind dog over a fence in a shocking act of animal cruelty.
Police tracked down and arrested 18-year-old Itamar Ochayon, from Tel Aviv, Israel, after the clip was posted on Facebook by pals.
Secondo quanto riportato dal sito Haaretz in un articolo del 25 aprile 2015 il ragazzo si sarebbe scusato, dopo che è stato preso di mira per il suo gesto, giustificandosi dicendo che era ubriaco. Per fortuna il cane non ha subito danni.
An 18-year-old resident of Kfar Sava, northeast of Tel Aviv, was arrested Friday evening, the day his friend posted a video on Facebook showing the suspect abusing a blind dog. After several hours of questioning, the police released the suspect to house arrest.
The suspect is seen in the video outside of a house in the company of a number of friends. He is seen grabbing the dog and throwing the animal over a high fence. The suspect and his companions are then seen laughing about what the suspect did. The dog’s owner is then seen attempting to reach the dog but the owner is held back by several of those present. Once the video was posted on Facebook, it was reposted by a number of others seeking to determine the identity of the suspect.
By Friday evening, the 18-year-old Kfar Sava resident apparently expected to be taken into custody and a number of Facebook users who had recognized him began to issue threats against him. The suspect then recorded another video clip in which he apologized for his actions and begged for forgiveness for what he had done, saying that he had been drunk at the time.
In addition to taking the suspect into custody, police summoned the dog’s owner to provide testimony in the case and asked that he bring in the dog to determine if the pet had suffered injury, which could affect any punishment imposed against the suspect. In fact, the dog was not injured in the incident.
The police are expected to wrap up their investigation at the beginning of the week and transfer their findings for review by the prosecutor’s office over the possible filing of animal cruelty charges.
Nonostante il video fosse diffuso tra gli utenti di lingua francese, qualche italiano c’è cascato lasciandosi andare:
Giuggi: “Mostri schifosi”
Angela: “bastardo ecco chi abbiamo in casa nostra”
Dei fatti se ne occupò anche il sito il 19 luglio.
L’articolo è stato scritto in seguito ad una segnalazione del post Facebook di Beatrice, che ringrazio.
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