Il Blog di David Puente

BUFALA Il femore gigante trovato in Turchia

In questi giorni viene condivisa una fotografia pubblicata da un utente via Facebook il 26 dicembre 2017 ottenendo oltre 15 mila condivisioni:

the bone was found in Turkey …

La foto ritrae un uomo in posa davanti ad un presunto osso di un gigante scoperto in Turchia. Il post non fornisce ulteriori informazioni a riguardo, come la data dello scatto o il luogo di conservazione del “reperto“, ma risulta facile riscontrare numerosi scatti simili:

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In una delle foto riscontrate notiamo una scritta mancante nella parte superiore di quella diffusa online in questi giorni:

Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum

Il Mt. Blanco Fossil è un museo “creazionista” situato nello Stato del Texas (Stati Uniti) e contiene al suo interno fossili e artefatti. Il suo curatore, Joe Taylor, risponde direttamente sul sito ufficiale ad alcune domande relative al presunto osso del Nephilim ritrovato in Turchia:

We’ve received many questions and comments about the giant human femur sculpture on display at the museum. For clarification, here is Joe Taylor’s answer to this question someone asked recently:

Q: “Is it true that you made a 47 inch mold of a femur bone WITHOUT the actual bone existing? Your critics are claiming the mold was made ONLY from a email account of the “giant skeletons” in Turkey, and there is no true evidence that these skeletons actually existed. Is this true, and if it is not true, what kind of proof can you provided ? How can you even have a “museum” based only on hearsay and speculation? Do you have any REAL giant skeletons?

A: JOE TAYLOR’s response:

It is true that I sculpted a femur 47-1/2 (120 cm) based on a report in a newsletter where it was reported on by the construction engineer who found it and other skeletons the same height. I was commissioned to sculpt the femur so a college professor could show his students how large it was. I molded it and sent him a cast. I then cast one for my museum and mounted it over a drawing of a skeleton the same size. A femur of a an ancient human was used as the guide for the sculpture. In every instance, I have told others that it is JUST A SCULPTURE. The real bone was not available. Most of these specimens are fragile and fall apart when handled by non-professionals, or they are sold or go into museum or government storage and are not available to the public. The sculpture is the same size as that of King Og mentioned in the Bible. All museums have casts of specimens as well as real bones. Some have sculptures based on reports only, as this one.
Thank you for your interest.”
Joe Taylor
Curator and artist
Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum

Si tratta di un artefatto, lo stesso Taylor ammette di averlo scolpito basandosi su un rapporto inviato all’interno di una “newsletter” (inteso come “bollettino informativo“, non come un email) da una persona che sostiene di aver rinvenuto dei resti di giganti nel territorio turco intorno al 1950. Non solo, afferma con chiarezza che non vi sono prove certe o quantomeno recuperabili per confermare la scoperta.

Sempre nel sito ufficiale del museo viene riportata la “newsletter“, ossia il racconto dell’ingegnere che avrebbe “scoperto” i presunti resti senza fornirne alcuna prova:

Dear Christian Friends, I was born and lived in the Middle East from 1938 to 1968.  I was Ain-Tell and Euphrates water works Engineer and was very interested in archaeology and  history and had some very interesting findings, some of which  may sound unbelievable.  I have brought with me a few silex arrow heads, etc., from the very battle-field where King Nebuchadnezzar and Pharo-Necho’s armies fought.  And what about the giants mentioned in Genesis?  In south-east Turkey in the Euphrates Valley and in Homs and at Uran-Zohra, tombs of about four meters long  once existed, but now roads and  other construction work has destroyed the spots.  At two places, when unearthed because of construction work, the leg bones were measured about 120 cms.  It sounds unbelievable.  I have lived with my family at Ain-Tell for more than 14 years at the very spot where King Nebuchadnezzar had his headquarters after the battle of Charcamish, where I dug the graves of kings’ officers and found their skeletons like sponge, and when you touch them they become like white ash, with spears and silex and obsidian tools and ammunition laying by.