BUFALA ACCHIAPPACLICK Paga multa autovelox con cinque carriole di centesimi

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La pagina Facebook “Giornale24ore” pubblica il 14 gennaio 2016 un video intitolato “Paga multa autovelox con cinque carriole di centesimi“, ottenendo oltre 19 mila condivisioni Facebook:


Cliccando sul titolo si viene rimandati ad un articolo del sito Tg24italia.com dal titolo “Sandra e Raimondo In casa Vianello scena finale“.

Il video non riguarda affatto il pagamento di una multa per l’autovelox. Si tratta della “vendetta” ad opera dell’americano Nick Stafford nei confronti della motorizzazione americana per una tassa relativa alla vendita della sua auto. Ne ha parlato nel suo sito personale:



I arrived at the DMV at 9:00 a.m this morning. After doing a few interviews with local new stations in the parking lot, I started transporting the pennies into the DMV using FIVE wheel barrels full of unrolled pennies ($2,987.45 worth). After finishing the paperwork to title my vehicles and pay my sales tax the DMV started counting the pennies. At first the DMV started counting the pennies using automated coin counting machines but the machines were jamming so they are now counting the pennies by hand, and have been doing so ever since. As of right now it is 6:08 p.m. and all the DMV employees are staying late to finish counting. The DMV manager estimates that at the rate they are counting it will take until 1:00 AM or even later to finish counting the 298,745 pennies by hand. The DMV is requiring that me or one of my employees remain inside the DMV office until the count is finished. The DMV employees are being very respectful and accommodating considering the situation. We are planning on staying until the last penny is accounted for. So If you happen to drive by the Lebanon DMV tonight and see the lights on with a full staff inside counting pennies you know know why.

Stay tuned for videos and pictures, not sure when I will have time to post them because it is going to be a long night.

Ne parla anche l’Huffingtonpost.com in un articolo del 13 gennaio dal titolo “Man Paid DMV With 298,745 Pennies In Pettiest Revenge Scheme Ever“:


On Dec. 11, Nick Stafford pushed five wheel barrels full of loose coins into Department of Motor Vehicles in Lebanon, Virginia, according to a statement he made on his company’s website.

Stafford, who has been fighting with DMV for months, decided to pay $2,987.14 in taxes on his car with 298,745 pennies. The facility’s automated coin-counting machine couldn’t handle the load, and employees were forced to count the 1,548 pounds of change by hand. Stafford said that he arrived at the DMV at 9 a.m. Wednesday and staff was not done counting the pennies until early Thursday morning, the BBC reports.

The whole thing stemmed from a longstanding grudge against the department.

Insomma, dal mattino dell’undici gennaio al giorno dopo i dipendenti della motorizzazione hanno dovuto contare ogni singola moneta.

Grazie a Vittorio per la segnalazione.

David Puente

Nato a Merida (Venezuela), vive in Italia dall'età di 7 anni. Laureato presso l'Università degli Studi di Udine, opera nel campo della comunicazione e della programmazione web.
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